LD8: Stop the Fed!


Live and Direct episode #8 has arrived. It features background and critical analysis concerning the Federal Reserve System, why it is illegal and unconstitutional, and why it must be abolished. This episode runs for 55:33, and is 50.9MB. For your convenience, the times listed below in parentheses indicate the start and end of each segment.
The song I played is Money For Nothing, by Dire Straits (it's between 01:12 and 09:12).
I then played the intro to Aaron Russo's documentary "America: Freedom to Fascism" (09:48 to 13:30). "Freedom to Fascism" is a timely, shocking expose of the duplicitous and corrupt nature of not only the Federal Reserve, but also the IRS and the federal income tax. You may watch a low-quality version of it here on Google Video, see it in select theatres, rent it, or buy it directly from Aaron's site. Aaron also maintains a blog on the site with timely news, interviews, and commentary.
Next up is a 2002 speech before Congress by Ron Paul, current Presidential hopeful and monetary-reform advocate (14:05 to 19:22). You may watch it on YouTube or read it at the House's web site as well.
I followed Ron Paul's speech with another excerpt from "Freedom to Fascism" detailing the creation of the Federal Reserve, its unconstitutionality, and the ways in which it harms the American people and government (20:24 to 33:44).
Lastly I read from Dr. Cleon W. Skousen's publication "The Urgent Need for a Comprehensive Monetary Reform". I have included it here on my site (in an easy to read and print PDF format) as the original at the National Center for Constitutional Studies seems to be defunct. You may check out the table of contents, the first section "Development of the United States Monetary System", the second section "How the Federal Reserve System Operates and Why it Has Failed", or the third and final section "Providing the United States with a Sound Money System". I retrieved the above linked pages with the help of the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, mentioned in my show as a handy online research tool.
I continue to delve into the conspiracies by a powerful few elite bent on controlling and dominating the rest of the people, aided by money-hungry politicians, complicit industries, and helped along here and there by a few sad historical accidents. Please stay tuned to Live and Direct for more provocative and imperative issues. Listen to WRFR locally in Midcoast Maine at 93.3 and 99.3FM, online, or subscribe to my podcast and listen at your convenience using your computer, iPod, or other MP3 player. As always, please email me with what's on your mind. It's a pleasure to produce this show, and I'd love your feedback.
Labels: conspiracy, Federal Reserve, government, history, money, Money for Nothing, music, politics